Please note if Covid-19 or other restrictions force a trip to be cancelled SCUK will not be responsible for any financial losses you may incur. Please check your annual travel insurance or take out a one off policy,

For more information click on the event title below.  

We use Red, Amber & Green fonts to indicate if places are still available. For more information about the trip and who is going contact the organiser

Dates Event Organiser

Monday 28 April to Friday 2 May
No places available

Cotswolds Cruise Mick Mantle

Tuesday 3 to Sunday 8 June
A few places still available

Lichfield & Leicester Steve Whitmore

Sunday 20 to Saturday 26 July
Places Available

Belgium Tour

Orson Wells

Tuesday 2 to Monday 8 September
Places Available 

Operation Loyton
Steve Whitmore

Friday 3 to Sunday 5 October
Places Available

Ride to the Wall Steve Whitmore

NB: Details and other events will be added as information becomes available.